Why does Ozone disinfect?

The disinfecting power of ozone and its effectiveness against bacteria and germs is due to its own chemical structure. By sharing the electrons between three atoms instead of between two, the resulting molecule is very unstable, and it tends to capture electrons from any nearby compound to regain its stability; that is, it is a very strong oxidant. By capturing electrons from other molecules, oxidizing them, it destabilizes them to the point of destroying them.

It is not harmful to mammals in low concentrations, but it is lethal to microorganisms.

It should be noted that ozone, in addition, does not produce any residual, since being an unstable particle it tends to return to its original form, oxygen (O2), being, therefore, respectful with the environment and the products, and guaranteeing the well-being of people.

Ozone disinfects in the same way as chlorine, it adheres to bacteria and oxidizes them from the cell wall to the nucleus, destroying them completely, only it does not leave toxic residues and is 300 times more efficient.

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